7)Teach them kitchen skills suitable for their age. Even if you aren’t a Martha Stewart in the kitchen, teaching them how to make basic snacks or meals will be fun and a good life skill for them.
8) While more screen time might be inevitable during these times, you can still find ways to make it stimulating. On Netflix you can search for kids educational shows and a bunch pop up for kids of all ages.
9) Do an indoor family scavenger hunt!
10) TALK TO EACH OTHER. Play a feelings game: Put a bunch of emotions in a hat or jar. Take turns picking an emotion out of the jar. You can act the emotion out, talk about a time you felt that emotion, draw the emotion or talk about the best ways to cope with that emotion. Normalize that all emotions are okay and part of being alive. Let them know that we all might be feeling a bit more nervous than usual right now. Time to find ways to cope….. See items #3, 5, and 6!
Written by:Lauren Crowder, LMFT – Therapist – San Antonio location