- Trauma and PTSD
- Sexual Violence
Stacey Schwab, LPC-A
Supervised by Dr. James Whittenberg, LPC-S
What is a survivor? Simply put, a survivor is someone who has experienced difficulty in their life. This could be the loss of a loved one, childhood neglect, multiple types of abuse, traumas, or violence. Whatever difficulty is being experienced, my role is to come alongside you, supporting you as you navigate your healing journey. Every individual is unique, so finding the tools, techniques, and therapeutic modalities to fit you best is part of the journey we will take together.
I have dedicated my professional career over the past 12 years to supporting survivors of sexual violence in various roles. I am a passionate advocate and activist for survivors of sexual violence, including survivors of commercial sexual exploitation, women, minorities, and marginalized populations, and for social and systemic justice overall.
I believe survivors are the most resilient beings, not defined by their experiences. I will strive towards holistic, healing-focused care, with an emphasis on creating and cultivating a safe space for every person I serve, with an aim toward the client’s highest potential-what this may look like for that person.
Visit my Psych Today profile here.