We’ve all done it before. At the beginning of the year we set a goal to accomplish and we somehow lose focus throughout the year about what we promised ourselves to do. Personal growth is one of those things that tends to take a back seat to everything else that we find ourselves trying to take care of. But how do we really help ourselves grow? What does it take for us to really put some time towards our own continued development and renewal?
1. Motivation: This is one of the most crucial steps that all of us can ever face or try to overcome. Many of us tend to lose sight of the overall goal because we tend to focus on the challenge itself. In order for us to really grow, we have to be willing to keep walking the road we are on no matter how hard it gets.
2. Desire to improve: We all have things in our lives that we are not satisfied with. For some it could be how they budget money. For others, it could be about how they interact with others. The desire to see these things change and improve is an essential component when we are seeking personal growth. If we don’t have the overall desire to improve, then there is often no point in seeking change.
3. Willingness to change: This is a step that most people tend to struggle with. This step often requires that we may have to change a comfortable approach to situations or change how we think about a situation. With any change there comes a certain level of resistance, mainly because we aren’t sure about trying something that we are not too familiar with. This might mean that a willingness to be uncomfortable for a time in order to accomplish the greater goal.
4. Open mind and desire to learn: Having an open mind to the challenges or to the new skill that you may learn is an essential component to personal growth. If we aren’t willing to learn what we need to learn in order to grow, then we will never get there. We also must be willing to go into whatever challenging season that we have coming our way with eyes open to see what there is to learn.
Personal growth is never easy, but it can be an exciting time for each and every one of us. The rewards of growing and learning something new about ourselves and how we relate to the world around us are something that can never ever be fully replaced.