“Following a series of unfortunate events and illness in my life I reached a very low point. I was emotionally, physically, and mentally drained. Realizing I needed help, I made an appointment with Dr. Ingram at InMindOut. I liked her approach, felt a personal level of comfort, and a good rapport. I felt compatible both with Dr. Ingram and her office staff. It is the best decision I have ever made as we worked together for a solution to my mental health issues.
She helped me identify my destructive behavior patterns and the traumatic events and family history that contributed to my issues. Most importantly, Dr. Ingram helped me modify my destructive behaviors and replace them with positive, healthy, self-affirming ones.
Dr. Ingram employed various approaches such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychological Testing, Mindfulness and therapy sessions. After a series of Psychotherapy appointments Dr. Ingram suggested I try something a little less common, Neurofeedback.
Her practice is unique as she is one of a few practices in close proximity that employs Neurofeedback. These treatments changed my life. Neurofeedback is non-invasive, drugless, and painless. After these treatments I feel calmer and less scattered. I find my concentration levels improving and I perform tasks with much less anxiety. The changes are subtle and have seemed to improve over time; my husband commented on how calm I am and that I have my sense of humor back.
Neurofeedback helped to optimize and integrate my nervous system with the mental therapy techniques used by Dr. Ingram. There is a significant difference in my life with reduced anxiety, clearer thinking and an improved memory. Neurofeedback improved how my brain regulates itself. I feel better, think better, and perform better. This treatment has provided awesome results for me; my transformation is remarkable, and the changes have maintained.
Knowing me before InMindOut you would not think I was the same person. I am a success story. My overall quality of life improved and I am enjoying life more. My intention is to schedule even more Neurofeedback sessions as I believe Neurofeedback is the direct cause of my improvements. I highly recommend InMindOut, Dr. Ingram and the staff. It can’t hurt and could potentially change your life for the better and forever. If you are considering therapy Neurofeedback might be a game changer, allowing you to regain power over your life.”
-K.J. Thomas, New Braunfels, TX (40 sessions)