I have been reflecting on what “self care” truly means to my clients as of lately. Self-care is a term that is used so often and I believe that considering what each individual is going through, this can look different for all of us. Self-care is the definition of taking care of ourselves in all […]
Therapist Blog
Therapy: What to expect in the first session
Seeing a therapist can seem like a daunting task. Talking about yourself to a stranger can lead a person to avoid therapy even though they may need it. As a result, it is important to be compatible with the therapist. Therapists are aware of the necessity for compatibility and the goal of the first session […]
Music as Therapy
You’ve heard it said, “music is universal!” Music is almost always a theme in any activity that we, as humans, engage in. From celebrations to funerals, in group settings or even just alone in the shower, we revel in it. It speaks to us on a soul-level. We identify with it, and it can even […]
Creating Healthy Boundaries
What is a boundary? A boundary is an invisible line that can be created by an individual to determine what behaviors from others are acceptable to them. This boundary can be physical or emotional depending on the context and person(s) they are creating this boundary with. Other types of boundaries can differ depending on the […]
Not Defining Individuals by Diagnosis
What is a diagnosis? I know that many of you are even wondering why is a therapist of all people asking a question like this. I ask you to just go along with me for a minute or two and then I’ll explain why I’m asking this question. Clinically, we would say that a diagnosis […]
Alcohol is a drug
Alcohol is a drug. I know, shocking, isn’t it? I did not grow up thinking alcohol was a drug. But after almost 10 years working in the treatment of substance abuse, I know it’s true. I believe it is the most difficult drug to stop using. It is everywhere and it is encouraged everywhere. It’s […]
How to Improve Your Communication Skills
Start by reflecting on your own communication style Get to know yourself and your personal communication style, and try to understand how it relates to others. Perhaps practice business presentations in front of friends or confidants, giving them a chance to ask questions or clarify specific points before bringing the speech or presentation to your […]
Healthy Personal Boundaries
Personal boundaries are the lines we draw around our personal space. They help us control our emotions, behavior and interactions with other people. Healthy boundaries help us maintain mental and physical health. People who don’t take care of their boundaries often find themselves unable to cope with others’ actions. Anyone can learn to maintain healthy […]
Resolving to Make Life Better
Several years ago on a cold day in early January, I got up early to work out. The gym was packed. I went up to the front desk to chat with the owner until a treadmill became available. The owner assured me, however, that by mid-February, things would resume back to normal: “Jana, most people […]
The Power of Self Reflection
Self-Reflection is an important skill that I believe all people need in order to become emotionally healthy and for personal growth. Self-Reflection is the process of becoming more aware of our own thoughts and feelings and how they inadvertently shape our behavior. Without it, we may find ourselves wandering throughout life feeling uncertain, lost and […]